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The problem

Lack of specialised staff, cost pressure.

The solution

Reduce the benchmark and increase the quality of the food with Swiss cooking systems.

The costs of communal catering are rising continuously. Residents set high standards for the quality of cuisine and catering, which inevitably leads to higher expenditure. This development contrasts with the ongoing shortage of staff, which means that many kitchens are turning to convenience products from the industry. The convenience industry is growing rapidly, with food from all over Europe being delivered to Swiss facilities via Swiss distributors, often at high prices.

With our innovative cooking systems, the Swiss Systems, you can hold your own in this demanding environment. Our systems make it possible to reduce the benchmark (costs per resident per day) and still consistently serve better quality food.

Your specialist staff can concentrate on essential tasks such as organisation and production processes, as the final preparation of the food can also be left to assistants or even care staff.

By networking our cooking systems, the benchmark can be reduced by around CHF 10 per resident. To illustrate this: If together we reduce the benchmark by CHF 10 for a facility with 100 residents, this means savings of CHF 1000 per day. That is a remarkable CHF 365,000 per year.

To summarise: clever cooking systems lead to a lower benchmark, while the quality of the food increases. The winners are clearly defined: Residents benefit from better catering, your staff can concentrate on their core tasks and your institution makes considerable savings.


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