Hugentobler cooking paradise.
Requests Switzerland and EU
Gewerbestrasse 11
CH-3322 Schönbühl
We support our employees with initial and ongoing training and promote proactive conduct. Unconventional ideas are welcome – after all, innovation does not emerge from well-worn paths, but from breaking new ground.
Profit secures the future of the company and its employees. It is reinvested in accordance with our ethical commitments.
mission (de)
Our values and standards are at the centre of how we treat each other and work together with mutual respect. They are based on Christian ethics and create order and peace within the company.
values & standards (de)
We are committed to conducting business in a responsible way, which we actively pursue by focusing on four areas: the market, our colleagues and society, the environment and our company.
Requests Switzerland and EU
Gewerbestrasse 11
CH-3322 Schönbühl
Requests Germany
Lise-Meitner-Strasse 4
D-85716 Unterschleissheim